11735 26th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98125
+1 206-403-7280/1

Quality Care and Trust

When parents are looking for early learning and childcare programs they need to find someone they can trust. We will continue in our efforts to ensure and continuously improve our services to meet the needs of the children and families we service.

Life Long Learning

We believe that we all share a responsibility to support and nurture the children’s and our own natural desire to be lifelong learners. We put ourselves and our learning on the same level as the child’s and commit to our own professional development and personal growth. We learn alongside the children and their families and embrace the opportunity to learn and grow each day.


Respectful relationships are very important and on which our organization operates. We believe that quality of care we provide is measured by the quality of relationships we have with children, families, employees, school boards, funders, and legislators. We are committed to ensuring these relationships are respectful; warm and caring; honest and ; fair and equitable.

Fiscal Responsibility

We are committed to financial prudence and sustainability to making decisions that take into consideration the overall financial health of the organization in order to meet our goals and objectives. We conduct ourselves in a manner that is professional and according to all business practices that are legal and ethical.

Vision statement

Our Vision is a community where all children feel loved, respected and encouraged to develop to their fullest potential. Our program is planned to promote positive growth in the lives of all children. We will adopt a holistic approach that enables each child to develop their social, physical, emotional and intellectual abilities.

Every child is unique and special and positive early childhood experiences are instrumental for a child's overall development in later life. Our program will promote and maintain a safe environment that creates an opportunity for children to develop and grow in a positive manner through appropriate role modeling.

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to provide the highest education and quality child care in a safe, respectful, inclusive and diverse cultural environment that is child-centered, holistic and values all children as individuals and building a foundation for life-long learning. Our goal as a Family Home Child Care & Pre-School Provider is to provide your child a relaxed, trusting, healthy, fun, loving, creative, nurturing and caring atmosphere where children are encouraged to pursue their own interests, develop friendships and grow in confidence, independence and respect for themselves and others.

We encourage discovery, creativity, development, and exploration in a safe, respectful, yet stimulating, relationship-based environment. We put this in action through our curriculum and daily programming designed to help all children learn and grow in positive ways. While your child is here, we will be helping him/her:

Actively engage in and enjoy the learning process.

Learn to question, to think, to problem solve, and to discover.

Be creative and flexible.

Discover his/her own unique talents and wonderful possibilities.

Learn to function comfortably as a member of a group.

Learn to resolve conflicts in peaceful, respectful ways.

Appreciate and respect individual differences among people and families.

Assimilate and apply necessary pre-academic skills.

Learn more than just the “right” answers.

You and your child will also see and experience strong, caring parent-care-giver partnerships; educated care givers and staff, nutritious meals and snacks, positive, respectful interactions among adults and children, hands-on learning activities appropriate to your child’s age and development, and a nurturing environment where children, families, and staff thrive.

Working Hours

We are Open Monday through Friday from 7:30am – 5:30pm Weekends and Holidays Closed
Child care is closed for the following holidays:
January: New Year’s day, Martin Luther King Jr Day
February: Presidents Day
May: Memorial Day
June: Emancipation Day
July: Independence Day
September: Labor Day
November: Veteran’s day, Thanksgiving day and the day after Thanksgiving
December: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve
In the event that any one of the above holidays falls on a Saturday we will close the day before (Friday) and if it falls on a Sunday, we will close the day after (Monday).

More Information

EARLY ACHIEVERS LEVEL 3 Site: We are enrolled with the Washington States' Department of Early Learning’s Early Achiever's Quality Care Rating and Improvement Service.

You can find out more about Early Achievers by looking at the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr0xkE4SuMo&feature=share&list=UU6OtXzx-bokiXFXgsDwMSUQ

Early Achievers, Washington’s quality rating and improvement system (QRIS), is voluntary for licensed childcare providers and helps early learning programs offer high-quality care. http://www.del.wa.gov/care/qris/resources.aspxThe rating is done by independent University of Washington Early Childhood Education professionals.

Early Achievers helps achieve the following:

• Connects families to childcare and early learning programs with the help of an easy-to-understand rating system.

• Offers coaching and resources for childcare providers to support each child’s learning and development.

Research shows this kind of assistance helps providers improve the quality of their programs. And when more young children are ready for school, we all benefit.

My home childcare has achieved a level 3+ status of the Early Achievers QRIS 5 level standards and was re-rated in 2019, again maintaining the Level 3+ status and now applying for the Level 4 status. Rerating occurs every 3 years. Our next re-rating is set to take place in 2023.


The Creative Curriculum is a Research based curriculum and empower confident creative and caring learners. This curriculum

  • Differentiates Learning for Every Child by providing individualize instruction by understanding how children’s abilities progress and supporting them with unique color-coded progressions that show the typical development of skills from birth through third grade. Effectively scaffold learning experiences to respond to each child’s current strengths and needs with embedded guidance and strategies located on curricular resources.
  • Inspire Children With Project-Based, Investigative Learning by building children’s confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills through hands-on, project-based investigations. Promote discovery and inquiry with opportunities for children to think critically and develop process skills with rich, hands-on investigations of relevant and interesting topics in the classroom. Reinforce learning with family-friendly activities designed for home.
  • Engage Families and Navigate Changing Learning Environments by providing access to the entire spectrum of digital preschool curriculum materials anywhere, anytime, including new content updates, family-friendly resources, a Digital Children’s Library, and two-way communications with families to reinforce learning at home and facilitate a close home-school connection.
  • Build the Social–Emotional Foundation Children Need by promoting social–emotional (SEL) development with support from a new foundation volume focused on social–emotional, physical, and cognitive development; Teaching Guides with a special SEL learning focus, including The First Six Weeks: Building Your Preschool Classroom Community; Daily Resources designed to build SEL skills; and embedded coaching and support for SEL development.
  • Promote Language and Literacy Skills by providing children’s book collection and Digital Children’s Library which includes books filled with illustrations and storylines that reflect the diverse families and communities to which children belong. Books in The Creative Curriculum Cloud include a truly interactive e-reader experience, are available in English and Spanish, and provide both educators and families with access.
  • Drive Intentional and Inclusive Teaching with Embedded Coaching by building teacher skill and confidence through coaching and expert support provided by a comprehensive Getting Started guide, rich foundation volumes, and guidance embedded in all curricular resources. Reinforce your implementation with ongoing professional development, including online tutorials.
  • Improves Kindergarten Readiness.
  • Supports the Whole Child. It supports academic learning alongside social-emotional, cognitive, and physical development.
  • Research-Based and Field Proven. Early childhood development research provides the foundation for The Creative Curriculum for Preschool
  • Aligned to Your Early Learning Standards It is aligned to early learning guidelines in each state and the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework, so you can demonstrate that your program is meeting all requirements while focusing on the needs of individual children.

We assess our children’s progress on a regular basis and use the Teaching Strategies Gold (TSG) for Evaluation and assessment of the children. TSG is drive differentiated, effective instruction. Inform instruction without disruption by embedding authentic, observation-based assessment into each part of the day. TSG helps us to also look at each child as a whole. We really like the reports. They are parent-friendly and make it easy to show where their child is and where we want to see them by the end of year.

  • Capture Observations in the Moment. With TSG, assessment is an authentic part of instruction, not a disruption. Embedded in your everyday interactions with children in the classroom or at home, formative assessment is an effortless, organic part of your teaching day. You can easily capture, organize, and store notes, photos, videos, and digital samples of children’s work in the moment to make observations authentic, objective, and easy to remember.
  • Understand Each Child’s Needs Based on Developmentally Appropriate Milestones. The assessment model used in TSG follows widely held expectations for children from birth through third grade and enables a whole-child approach to assessment. Color-coded progressions guide teachers toward selecting and adapting activities that support each child’s development and learning. Meaningful reports inform classroom practices and individualized instruction.
  • Connect the Dots Between Curriculum and Assessment. Automatically connect assessment data and observation capabilities with daily instructional resources, creating an instantaneous and ongoing feedback loop of information to individualize learning and empower teachers to capture observations in the moment.
  • Strengthen Family Partnerships. Engage family members with family observations, family-facing learning resources, and two-way communication. Teachers can seamlessly integrate family observations into their documentation to inform checkpoint ratings, whether in a traditional classroom or distance learning setting.
  • Aligned to Your Early Learning Standards. TSG aligns to early learning guidelines in each state and the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework, so you can demonstrate that your program is meeting all requirements while focusing on the needs of each individual child.
  • Data-Driven Decisions in Real Time. TSG provides administrators with the data they need for real-time reporting and large-scale, programmatic decision-making. Easily manage and maintain users, classes, and child records and generate outcomes reports.
  • Reliably Administer Valid Assessment. Rigorously and regularly tested, TSG yields reliable, valid, and culturally sensitive information. With Interrater Reliability Certification for teachers, administrators can ensure a valid and reliable assessment process at scale.
  • Research-Based. TSG is research-based, validated, and shown to be effective by extensive independent research.
  • For Teachers, TSG has tools to sharpen the teacher's assessment skills. Powerful professional development options are available to enhance your GOLD efficacy and boost learning outcomes.

    Children who participate in high quality early learning are more likely to enter kindergarten prepared to succeed. One goal is to ensure that classrooms are high-quality and continue to improve. We use evidence-based curriculum and promote culturally responsive, engaging, and nurturing adult/child interactions to create quality learning environments. Another goal is to eliminate the racially disproportionate kindergarten readiness gap. Our approach is to support teachers to meet the needs of all children through student-focused coaching, ongoing curriculum training and data analysis that uses a racial equity lens.

    We have had an Environmental Rating Scale and CLASS rating evaluations completed by the Early Childhood Rating evaluators.

Our HandBook


Open as a Family Home Childcare & Preschool
Since the Fall of 2011.

As a parent, having three kids of my own, two kids who are now adults and a fifteen year old, I would like to share this environment and learning experience with your child. I intend to provide a loving, caring home program and to be the facilitators of learning through your child’s play where the children will grow in their understanding and respect for each other and learn to make the correct choices towards independent growth and development.

My family members and I are bilingual in 4 languages, English, Kiswahili, Hindi, and Gujrati (one of India’s regional languages) and therefore hope to incorporate our cultural heritage into a bilingual childcare program. Culture is central to learning and culture plays a role not only in communicating and receiving information but also in shaping the thinking process of groups and individuals.

Our program therefore follows the Culturally Responsive Teachings methodology that acknowledges, responds to, and celebrates fundamental cultures and offers full, equitable access to education for students from all cultures and implements a foundation for children on how to interact with diverse cultures and how to resist bias.

What Parents Says About Us

Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country

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Our Pricing

Infants - 24 Months

$1,550 / month

(Up to 10 hours/day) $1,500 for 5 days/week; $1,450 for 4 days/week; $1,350 for 3 days/week

2 years - 3 years

$1,450 / month

(Up to 10 hours/day) $1,450 for 5 days/week; $1,350 for 4 days/week; $1,250 for 3 days/week

3 years - 5 years

$1,400 / month

(Up to 10hrs/day) $1,400 5 days/week; $1,300 for 4 days/week; $1,200 for 3 days/week

3 years - 5 years
City of Seattle Preschool Program

$1,050 / month

(Up to 6 hours/day) 5 days/week 9:00am - 3:00pm
Follows the Seattle School District School year from September to June

3 years - 5 years
Before and After Preschool
City of Seattle Preschool Program

$600 / month

(Up to 4 hours/day) 5 days/week 7:30am - 9:00am, 3:00pm - 5:30pm
Follows the Seattle School District School Year from September to June

Recent Blog

27 January 2019

Blog 1

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

27 January 2019

Blog 2

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

27 January 2019

Blog 3

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.